====== RAISE Lab ====== Welcome to the Responsible Autonomy & Intelligent System Ethics (RAISE) lab! This wiki is meant to be read by all members joining the lab and our collaborators in the wider world. Most new students have the same questions they need to address, and this is the space where those questions should be addressed for you and future new students joining the lab. If you have questions you couldn’t resolve from this document, please add them in the appropriate section in this document with the solution you eventually found. Our goal here is to grow the lab together as a supportive and proactive community of happy researchers. The document is divided into sections so that you can read the parts that apply to you. All students should read Everyone, and all grad students (master’s and Ph.D.) should read the Graduate Students and so on. ====== Contents for Lab Members ====== ===== General ====== * [[private:Onboarding|Onboarding guide for new lab members]] * [[private:Communication|Communication & Digital Tools]] * [[private:Website|Lab Website]] * [[private:YouTube|Lab YouTube Channel]] * [[private:Finances, Reimbursements]] * [[private:finances_reimbursements#Travel_advances|Travel Support]] * [[private:Handoff|Leaving the lab]] ==== Tools and Equipment ==== * [[Physical Lab|Physical Lab]] * [[Lab Equipment|Lab Equipment]] * [[Computers|Lab Computers & peripheral accessories]] * [[private:Files|Files, Document Sharing, and Backup]] * [[3dprinting | Free 3D Printing Service]] ==== Resources for Research ==== Check out various resources in our Google Drive [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1L0X4jmsoN5mfiei5v3ZsP0BbY5_cDRue|Resources for Research]] folder. * The first step to starting a research project is to try and fill out the [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DbEqhEAouq9SKWlWN3A0gEXS80zoWOmr/edit?usp=share_link&ouid=112915949551847730679&rtpof=true&sd=true|mini-storyline]] * [[private:Research_Ethics|Research Ethics]] * [[private:RAISE Lab Writing Guide]] * [[private:Publishing and Authorship]] * Our go-to librarian is Jennifer Zhao jennifer.zhao@mcgill.ca * [[private:Courses|Courses offered at McGill or accessible to McGill students]] === Literature review help === * [[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ecQg89wKr4PuuI2Efhqu-63YiBjm8Eft|Literature review guide]] * **Web Tool**: McGill has a [[https://support.covidence.org/help/mcgill-university-library|Covidence license]] that makes systematic lit reviews a breeze. * [[https://libraryguides.mcgill.ca/knowledge-syntheses/home|How-to guide from the library]] === Statistics analysis help === * [[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3693611/|Guidelines for normality tests for non-statisticians]] === Qualitative analysis book and resource === * [[https://us-sagepub-com.proxy3.library.mcgill.ca/en-us/nam/thematic-analysis/book248481#contents|Thematic Analysis: A Practical Guide]] * A shorter (article) version of the book: [[https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epdf/10.1191/1478088706qp063oa?needAccess=true|Using thematic analysis in psychology]] === Human-Robot Interaction and Robotics=== * [[private:Robotics101|Robotics 101]] * [[private:Robotics_community|Robotics community]] * [[private:HMI_community|Human-machine/Human-AI interaction community]] === AI-Ethics === * [[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ow2jWROt7BCO6ZctJBm8FUhqZoP75Le2VDJjWjr8NWI/edit|RAISE Lab AI Ethics Resources & Links]] ===== Degree Program Specific Contents ===== * [[private:Onboarding|Onboarding guide for new lab members]] * [[private:Postdoc|Postdoc]] * [[private:Grad|Graduate Students]] * [[private:grad#masc_students|Master's]] * [[private:grad#phd_students|Ph.D.]] * [[private:Undergrad|Undergraduate Students]] ====== Contents for Collaborators ====== * [[lab_equipment|RAISE Lab Equipment]] * [[computers#Avanaa|Shared RAISE Lab Computer]] * [[shared desks|Shared/hot desks]] ====== Lab Admin Shortcuts for AJung ====== * [[private:testpage|Admin shortcuts for AJung]] * [[visitor_travel|Non-McGill Member Travel Support]]