====== Visitor travel support ====== McGill's reimbursement system has months of delays. Instead of adding strain to your personal credit card, the easiest way for us support your travel is using the following process (which allows McGill to pay the items on your behalf). ===== Conference registration ===== * __Step 1:__ For most IEEE and ACM conferences, you can register for the conferences yourself with your name, affiliation etc. (including your ACM/IEEE membership number if applicable). But when it comes to the payment, please enter the following billing information. The billing info should show up in the invoiced/bill the conference generates. **Billing info:** Name: Nicholas McCormick-Gagnon Address: Financial Services 3465 Durocher St., room 216 Montreal, QC, Canada H2X 0A8 514-398-1518 * __Step 2:__ Please send any link to the invoice or PDF version of the invoice to AJung, and McGill will then use the invoice to make the payment for you. * __Step 3:__ When the university makes the payment, the conference host (IEEE/ACM/AAAI etc) should email you a payment confirmation. Please forward it to AJung so that she can wrap up McGill end of the paperwork. * **That should be it.** No further paperwork is needed from you. ===== Flight ===== McGill has a dedicated travel agency called Direct Travel that will book you the flight and hotel for your trip. They can be contacted at mcgill@dt.ca. Here is the process: * __Step 1:__ Please set up a profile in [[https://us2.concursolutions.com/registration/register_form.asp?plslookup=true®code=236712356|Concur]]. * __Step 2:__ Email the travel agent (mcgill@dt.ca) with your travel dates and destination and cc AJung. Below is a draft email for your convenience. * __Step 3:__ The travel agent will provide you with several flight options and ask you to choose one. * __Step 4:__ Once you make your flight choice, AJung will need to fill out this [[https://www.mcgill.ca/travelservices/regulation-and-procedures/foapal-form|FOAPAL authorization form]] to have her funds pay for the cost of the chosen flight. AJung will sign and send it to the travel agent in the email thread you likely have going already. * __Step 5:__ Travel agent will then book your flights and send you the itinerary for the trip. ===== Accommodations ===== * It seems that McGill recently decided not to have accommodations booked by the travel agency. You can either book it yourself on your credit card if you are comfortable doing so. Otherwise, AJung will book the hotel/accommodation for you. Let AJung know where you'd like to stay and the check-in/out date and she'll book it under your name and send a confirmation. * If you book it with your card, we will need to file a reimbursement for you, and there is some paperwork involved after you return from your trip. * Otherwise, AJung will ask that you send any payment confirmation/receipt etc. you get from the hotel such that she can be reimbursed for expenses on her card. ===== Reimbursement of All Other Expenses (after your travel) ===== * Unless you've done this already, send AJung all receipts related to your trip, including receipts for those that were paid for by McGill in advance. This could include poster printing, taxi/bus fares, etc. * Your meals will be paid as per diem expense based on McGill's per diem rate. Please let AJung know how many breakfast, lunch, dinners were not covered by the conference/event, and she'll compute the total per diem amount for you accordingly. * AJung will fill out the reimbursement form on your behalf with all that you've sent her and send you a copy to confirm the amounts being filed. * If the amounts match what you expect, use the amount to fill out the [[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l6QXEn33DboZYX5p_7NjpTSWhX3XflJp/view?usp=sharing|Visitor Claimant Signature Form]], which includes the banking information for you to receive the funds. Note that Wire Transfers typically have fees associated with it on the recipient end of the process (depending on which bank you deal with). If you'd like to avoid this and have a cheque mailed to you instead, let AJung know.